Sure hoping you guys are having a great week!
- I've crossed two things off my 30 before 30 list in the last week. The first being: plant a lemon tree in our yard. My parents gifted us with the tree as an anniversary gift (this year was fruit + flowers).
- Going to a concert was the second thing I crossed off. Last night along with Mikey and my parents I attended one of the best concerts I've ever been to. The performer was none other than Sir Elton John. He played many of his greatest hits and ended with "Your Song" which is one of my faves. He played for over three hours straight without an intermission. He stepped off the stage for one song and Leon Russell kept things going. It was such a great, great show and I'm glad to have seen him live.
- This weekend I have a bridal shoot and three family sessions. I'm crossing my fingers the weather cooperates. We've had perfect weather the last week or so and I hope it holds out!
- Can you believe there are 44 days until Christmas?!? This year has flown by! I'm pretty proud of myself for having four gifts purchased already. I'm not a true "last minute" shopper as I am never shopping two days before Christmas or anything but this is a good head start for me.
- We planted pansies, kale and snapdragons in our front yard last weekend. Inside the fall decor came out of the closet. I have a lot of acorn decor for this time of year. I love fall!
- On Tuesday I tried my hand at haricots verts. The fresh green beans were so crisp and flavorful. And the French language made me feel très chic on a humble week night.
- An update for all of you: I STILL haven't sipped a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I had a Pumpkin Spice Frapuccino but not a latte. Maybe this weekend will be the weekend.
- This time of year always makes me crave NYC. A couple years ago my family and I spent Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania and NY. It is my favorite vacation to date and the cooler southern temps make me really miss the beauty of the northeast this time of year.
- I'm thinking I'm going to go with 6 weeks of cookies for SFS. I'm going to bake my first batch tomorrow since my in-laws will be in town and they can help us eat therm.
- I know I've been talking about buying a pair of TOMS for ages but I've always put it off. But the new gilded herringbone style may be just the pair I've been waiting for.
- Did you know Jamba Juice makes smoothie kits so you can blend drinks up a home? I bought one at Target earlier in the week. I'll let you know how it goes.
- All the holiday dinnerware I've seen before has been too traditional or just plain tacky. I'd like to pair the pretty ones from Crate & Barrel with my white china.
- Have you see the trailer for this film? Not sure how I feel about it. What do you think?

( click images for sources )
If you did a 13 on Thursday please share in the comments. I'd love to read. One more day til the weekend!
Fall makes me think about NYC too and I love having your awesome pic of the Brooklyn Bridge in our house. You're one super talented lady!
ReplyDeleteStill no pumpkin spice latte?! I can't believe it!
Fingers crossed the weather holds for you this weekend. We're supposed to get rain & cold weather on Sunday so hopefully that's only here and not down your way.
Do I need to bring you a Pumpkin Spice Latte? As I recall I brought you your first one last year at my baby shower. How can you resist all that wonderful pumpkin yumminess?
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're picking cookies for your project. I just finished 2 sessions with Jon and Angelo on Anjo's bakery and I can give you 2 AMAZING cookie recipes they gave out that are TO DIE FOR!!!! 1 has 3 ingredients! 3!!!! And you can cut them out and use them as decorations on your tree! I can't wait till Ariana gets older so we can decorate or tree with popcorn strings and cookies!
And you'll hate me, but I'm done Christmas shopping. Still planning Ariana's 1st birthday party though!