Friday, August 21, 2009

Great Full Friday

Another week has come and gone and I have so much to be grateful for once again. It has been raining a lot here and in an effort to be positive I incorporated that into my list. I hope that you all had a wonderful week. What made your week great and full?

--Getting a pedicure with my sister
--My hubby's amazing carpentry skills
--Finding + enjoying new tasty recipes
--A refreshing nap in the rain

Photos: Pedicure, Pile'em up, in their hands, cold rain


  1. Great images! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. love the pictures. My week was good. I got to spend time with the love of my life and we decided to bring two little kittens home to share our love with.

  3. A refreshing nap in the rain! You make my day:)

  4. Lindsey - Have had a bit of a rough weekend but am still grateful for:
    1. My mom who came to stay with me while my hubby is out of town
    2. My dear friend Laura for trying her hardest to put a smile on my face
    3. Netflix...I watched a good indie flick last night called "Outsourced"
    4. POSITIVE THINKING...I am working on it!

    Hope you had a good weekend!

  5. I love reading all of your lists!
    Hope you guys had a great weekend!

    Gratefully yours,

    { Lindsey }


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